System information
docker version
docker info
Pull images
docker pull <image>
Login to the docker hub repository
docker login
List images
Remove images
doceker rmiRun Container
Run Detached Mode
docker run -it -d --name <container> <image>:latest bash
List Containers
docker ps -a
Stop Container
docker stop <container>
Start Container
docker start <container>
Restart Container
docker restart <container>
Remove Containers
docker rm -f <container>
Exec Bash
docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash
Checking History
docker history <container>
Low-level information
docker inspect <container>
Copy Files
docker cp file.txt <container>:/tmp
Own Docker Images
docker commit <container>
List Service
docker service ls
Update Service
docker service update <service_name>
List Stack
docker stack ls
Remove Stack
docker stack rm <stack>
Deploy Stack
docker stack deploy -c <docker-stack.yml> <stack>