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Mount remote folders with sshfs

Trough my work I had have a need for remote folders/files; so when it is possible I am using sshfs to mount remote things.

Step 1:
create a mount folder:
sudo mkdir /mnt/remote

Step 2:
mount remote folder:
sudo sshfs someuser@remote_machine:/home/someuser/somfolder /mnt/remote

Step 3:
get to work!

Step 4:
unmounting remote folder:
sudo umount /mnt/remote
or you can use the following, but I prefer the first one:
sudo fusermount -u /mnt/remote

Note: if you want to enable access to ather users use the allow_other option:
sudo sshfs someuser@remote_machine:/home/someuser/somfolder /mnt/remote -o allow_other

janos ujvari @October 11, 2008